Solarcoat-V for interior
Solarcoat-V was developed based on the technology of
It is a new-concept photocatalyst that resolves various hazardous
articles in the indoor air by using not only ultraviolet rays of less
than 380nm but also visible rays of 380-600nm as a source energy.
As it is more excellent in effectiveness than existing photocatalysts
that use ultraviolet rays of less than 380nm as a source of energy,
it is said to be
a next-generation photocatalyst that is effective even in the
faint light.

- Characteristics of Solarcoat-V
It has excellent effect of optical
catalysts even in the faint lights such as sunlight and fluorescent
lamp. |
With its liquefied coating agent
being neutral, it has excellent safety.
(Pass FDA tests ? confirmed safety) |
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Its size is smaller than 10 nanometer.